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Dear Community, 

It says I can activate the global pass within 11 months of purchase. If I buy a 3 month global pass, and I activate it in month 11 (before it expires), do I then still have 3 months to travel with it, or do I need to activate it latest 8 months after pruchase to stay in the time frame of 11 months? I don’t find it clearly communicated in the text. At least not for me.

You can activate the pass 11 months after purchase and then travel for the coming 3 months.

Dear Community, 

It says I can activate the global pass within 11 months of purchase. If I buy a 3 month global pass, and I activate it in month 11 (before it expires), do I then still have 3 months to travel with it, or do I need to activate it latest 8 months after pruchase to stay in the time frame of 11 months?

It's the former. The latest possible start day is exactly 11 months after purchase, and from that day, you can still travel 3 months.

The latest day on which you can do the activation is also exactly 11 months after purchase.

Thank you guys! That was very helpful.

Achtung! Schnäppenjäger! Das schw Peter (pardon Freitag) Angebot gilt nur bis zum 1/5 als letzter Anfangstag!

Es ist wohl 99% sicher das es so ende Dez wieder eine -10%Angebot geben wird-und die gilt dann 101 monate.
