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I recently purchased a 5 day in 1 month Eurail Global pass for my family. As I was planning for my trip, I noticed that the date of birth was off by one day for all travellers on my website account under the “Trips and travelers” section  for “Upcoming trips”. When I checked my Mobile Pass on the Planner App under “My Pass”,  the date of birth for all travellers was correct. I like to make sure that all the information on the website account is aligned with the Mobile pass on the Planner app.

Should I be concerned about this and how do I get this fixed without messing up the info on the mobile pass version?


Thank You!

The best is to contact customer service.


There have suddenly the last 1 - 2 days a lot of same reports about exactly 1 day difference between true and listed birthdate. Looks to me to a particular bug in systems

I am having the exact same issue now. How did you get it resolved? I am traveling soon and very worried.

Plesse refer to the "best answer” above.

Plesse refer to the "best answer” above.

I’ve seen the “best answer” above, and its not really a good one as I have already contacted customer service. I am asking OP for their experience and how it got resolved. Thanks.

Plesse refer to the "best answer” above.

I’ve seen the “best answer” above, and its not really a good one as I have already contacted customer service.

We can't guess what you've already done… anyway, what did customer service say?

If they haven't replied yet: did you mention your start date? That is the most important criterion they use to prioritise requests.

@cney Only Customer Support can help with this.

Did you let Customer Support know when you will start your travel?

Did you use this form to contact Customer Support?



@cney At the time when I had the issue regarding the DOB being off by one day on the web version versus the mobile pass, I reached out to customer service.  This was their response to it:

Our apologies for the delay in replying to you. We are currently handling a great number of requests, which is slowing us down considerably.
If the date(s) of birth on your Pass(es) happen to be off by one day, then this is most likely part of a widespread technical issue having to do with timezones. To correct this while travelling - if it has not been fixed until then - kindly change your timezone on your device to Amsterdam and the date displayed should be fixed. If you have not yet completed your purchase, please also momentarily change the timezone to Amsterdam on the device on which you are making this purchase.
If the apply does not apply to you, or you would like to contact us about a different issue, please do not hesitate to contact us again via this email thread!


Ultimately in the end, it wasn’t resolved as the DOB was still incorrect on the website. HOWEVER, as long as the DOB on your mobile pass on your device is correct, it is not an issue. I travelled with my family using the mobile pass with the correct DOB on my device on the various rail system (Eurostar (London to Paris), France and Spain and had no issues at all.  I guess the timezone issue might be dependant on where in the world you are purchasing your pass on your computer. Your computer clock might affect the web version. This is just a guess as to why the issue is occurring but as I mentioned before it was never fully resolve when I had to deal with it.


I hope this helps!

Cheers and safe travels!
