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Hello there!

I have a global flexi pass with 7 days of traveling time but I live in Romania so I am relatively pretty far from the rest of Europe. My plan is to go to Spain tho, but I would have zero time in the cities due the the 7 days limit and my question is that if I got on the train in Spain on the way coming back with the intention that I do not stop until Romania would it matter if I pass the day limit? So Maybe I got on the train on the 7th day and the journey back to Romania would take place on the 8th and 9th day. Is that ok or do I have to get back before it expires?

You have 7days within one month no need to stress through spain :) 

You will need 2 or 3 traveldays to get from Spain back to Romania 

Your pass is valid during one month and you can travel on 7 days. You will have a lot of time to spend in Spain. 

If you need more than 7 travel days you will need to buy a normal ticket for those days.
