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Hi there, 

I’m planning ahead for a trip from London to Hamburg next summer and would like to travel Brussels-Cologne-Hamburg. 

When looking at potential routes (via the Interrail seat reservation tool), it only shows the route Brussels-Amsterdam-Duisberg-Hamburg, even for trips this month. That seems like a long way around with some very tight connections. 

Anyone know why that is? 

How will I be able to reserve seats on the route I want to use?

Thank you very much. 


It's best not to use the Interrail website (or the app) for any planning. It may not be up to date.

A reservation Brussels - Cologne - Hamburg is best done via the DB website. Use "Seat only”. It's more reliable and also cheaper.

If you then also only see routes via Amsterdam, then please let us know your travel date.

It's probably because the new belgian timetable isn't uploaded yet (Big European timetable overhaul on December 11th). In a few weeks, if not days, you should be able to see the more logic connections London-Brussels-Cologne-Hamburg. Better check timetables via Deutsche Bahn then. The rail planner (app) doesn't update that often. 
