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I had hoped to book the complete space for a family of 5 to travel in comfort, it is the first time for the girls and travelling overnight with an additioanl stranger is going to be challenging for them. Unforatunaly the very helpful SNCF assistant could not inform me whether we were to be travelling with an additiaonl Male or Female.

When I look at the Trainline app ( UK booking site) , their option for booking five people is as shown and doesn’t seem to want to group us together!! I am wondering if this if why there are no empty couchette, as I was informed that there was one person in each carriage??

Any advice would be appreciated.


I guess that if you put "no preferences", you will get to sleep in the same compartment.

I was thinking the same (if there's space).

I guess that if you put "no preferences", you will get to sleep in the same compartment.

I wonder if this train fills up? Perhaps the lone traveller will look for a less crowded carriage?? 
