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Hi! I am travelling from Paris to pula, and it’s a very confusing journey for me. There are a couple connections which are only 6 minutes or 10 minutes, and I’m worried I won’t have time to make the connection and I’ll miss the train. Is there a way to know how far the stations are from each other? 
thank you so much!

The station in Hrpjelje-Kozina is not big what is critical for me are the short changing times as the Nighttrain München - Lubljana - Zagreb is likely 20min delayed :/

i recommend to change already in Divaca to the last train to Pula (your train from Lubljana stops there aswell) because Divaca is a staffed station :)

hi, yes!

I’m travelling Paris to Muenchen Hbf to Ljubljana to Hrpelje-Kozina to Pula. It was the simplest route I could find but that could just be that I’m not very good at finding routes. 

Its the transfer at Ljubljana and also the transfer at Hrpelje-kozina which are each only 8 minutes. I’m not sure how to know if this is enough time since I have not seen anywhere showing which platform to go to or anything? So I'm not sure how to figure that out… sorry this is my first time travelling here, these might be obvious answers!

thanks so much for your help!

@MartinM  sounds like Paris - Munich - Lubljana/Rijeka - Pula :)

@fionawitherell  as Martin asked we need the complete connection as it depends from station to station for example 6mins on Swiss stations is fine but 6 minutes at Berlin HBF is not enough


could you post the exact connection… depending on the country 6 mins might be more than enough but in other you should better take a longer time to change trains.
