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Seat reservation on train from Hamburg (Germany) to Malmö (Sweden)- conflicting info on if reservations is required

  • 18 July 2022
  • 3 replies

Hello everyone,

We have a question about our interrail pass. In the app it says there is no seat reservation required for our train form Hamburg (Germany) to Malmö (Sweden). However, on the website of DB (train in Germany) it says a seat reservation is required. Can we still go with this train but then sit somewhere on the ground / still available seats or is that not aloud and is a seat reservation absolutely necessary? Thanks in advance! 

Kind regards,

Marc & Emma

Wich train do you take?

The Snalltoget (Berlin-)Hamburg-Malmö(-Stockholm) needs a reservation, bookable via Snalltoget.

Intercity Hamburg-Copenhagen needs a reservation. Öresundtog not.

SJ X2 neeads a reservation

All direct trains from Hamburg to Copenhagen (DSB) or Malmo (Snalltaget) require reservation.


If you cannot get reservation you will not be allowed travel, even sitting on floor. There are alternative non reservation or non compulsory reservation trains to make this journey. Hamburg - Flensburg - Frederica - Copenhagen - Malmo.

RES on these trains are MANDatory in summer-till early sept-they are overcrowded and very few and quite short-plus hordes of Svenskarnas follow Gretha and have decided to use toget=train to make their long holiday trips. Can avoid it-but not easy overntie-use local trains to Flensburg-then Fredericia
