Train from Spain and France only show options towards the East - is this the only way to Paris?

  • 24 July 2022
  • 1 reply

I had a plan to travel up north from Madrid, Spain to Paris, France, but when I look up the date I want to travel, only options are to go east towards NARBONNE (France), TOULOUSE MATABIAU (France), then BORDEAUX ST JEAN (France). is this the only way to go to Paris?

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

No, but it is indeed the fastest one with least nr of changes for now. YOUR RENFE has in its wisdom decided to scrap all trenes de noche-and also the trenes between Donostia and Hendaya/Irun (frontera)-there are now only small EuskoTren -which are out of pass-use.

More interesting is the route via pyrnees-rodalies desde BCn to PUIgcerda/La Tor deCarol-then FR SNCF TER trains.
