
Booking High Speed Train from London to Paris. Do I need the pass also or just tickets?

Trying to plan our trip to Europe this fall.  We are looking to take the highspeed train from London to Paris.

  1. Do I need to buy a pass for this one trip?  There doesnt seem to be anywhere or anyway I can book just this one trip without getting a pass.  
  2. If I dont need a pass, where can I book the train tickets ahead of time?

Best answer by seewulf 6 June 2022, 16:38

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My experience changing travel plans because of Covid was that it was easy to change dates and times online (more than a week before travel) but impossible to get hold of anyone at Eurostar on the phone. Although flying might be cheaper, you should find Eurostar much easier to board at St Pancras than getting through an airport.


I hope that you hve a good trip.

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1.) you dont need a pass for it :) The pass is aimed for travelers that wanna explore several places in Europe :)

2.) London - Paris is operated by Eurostar they have advancefares that are cheaper as “Standard Tickets” but the advancefares are often not refundable.

It embarresed to say but flying with No Frills Airlines (e.g. Ryanair/Easyjet) is often cheaper or you take a 9hrs Bus ride with Flixbus :/
