I nee tp buy 2 reservations by creditcard in eurail and the payment process does not finish when the payment is made by cell.phone.
Rodalies de Catalunya info here.
There is currently free travel on all Cercanias (Renfe local trains) for a 10 euro deposit returned if you do 16 or more single journeys. Current pass ends at end of year but it is supposed to be extended to end 2023.
Note these passes are restricted to the individual regions e.g. Catalunya, Malaga, but otherwise no restrictions.
There is a similar scheme for MD (Media Distance) trains for 20 euro.
I registered with renfe.com, went onto the renfe cercanias app, chose 2 stations on the line and it then offers the 10euro pass as an option. Malaga only has 2 lines in the network, but on a 4 day break it saved us a few euros but longer stays would save many euros.
Be careful - it needs an internet connection to show the QR code for entry/exit. Paper copies can be sourced from ticket offices or machines. However that was the only issue.
Renfe are obsessed with passport details - after logging in to website account you may be asked to confirm details from your passport to proceed.
Mcadv, tanks, but I didn't understand your sugestion
From NIce to Marseille are about ev 2 hrs TER=regional NO RES trains.
From Msl change-find times best via bahn.com-along coast via Tarascon-Montpellier-Narbonne-to Either Cerbere (=last stop In FR, former border check-now no more) or with luck Port Bou (same over border for ESpana). From there ev 1 - 2 hrs local RENFE Rodalies Cat-Express trenes to Bcn, NO RES even possible and very, very hard to find on planners. PLUS that as per 11/12=next sunday ALL timetables change and the former/this week still running direct AVE/TGV Msl-Bcn is no more!
This way the ride will take much longer but involve no extra cost at all. IF you want to spend dinero by using the now only 2/day TGV MOntpellier-Bcn (coming from Paris)-then go in Nice to counter and let them see if anything can be done-expect also NO. BUT his may mean you have to change stations in Mpl-forfeiting most of time gained.
The TGV only stops in Sants, the Rod trenes in many stops under Bcn-centre, so may deliver you much closer to HTL booked. There must be 10000s of Colombianos living in Bcn-and it seems nearly half working illegally.
It’s my bad; it’s two different stations at different sides of the border Cerbère (FR) and Portbou (ES).
The new timetables might not be loaded into it yet. (Changes Dec 11th). Better check the RENFE websites.
Thanks, I didn't found by rail planner cerbere portbou station.
Check this post:
Your only other option is to reserve via phone.
You might want to do the stretch Nîmes-Barcelona entirely by regional trains, via Cerbère Portbou. This to avoid the expensive reservation for the TGV to Barcelona. It’l save you almost more than 30 EUR per person.
Dec 13 2022 from Nice Ville at 8am to Barcelona Saints
A lot of issues lately. You’re not the first.
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