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Hej all,

Me and my boyfriend we are going on a interrrail route in July.

We can´t book any seat reservation for the night train Paris to Perpignan on the 8 of July (departure at 21h14 and arrival at 8h31). In the system says that the prices are unvaiable for this route to try again in a couple of hours but we been trying for some days already :/ 

We already try to buy online at SCNF but we couldn´t.

We have the same issue regarding then Perpignan to Madrid in the high speed train.

Can someone help us out please?

Thank you in advance :)

Have you tried booking at SNCF by phone?

 Press #85 for English, no booking fees, reservations are sent via e-mail.

Thank you Anna 🙂 I will try that then tomorrow. Do you know if we need to give our bank details over the phone or how it works?

The service agent connects you after your purchase to a automatic phone service where you have to provide your CreditCard details.

As I´ve used a same overnight from P to Provence last weeK;

It seems SNCF will ONLY offer couchette=basic bunk/stype of ´sleepbench´ and not the ample (old 1st cl wagon) seats to passholders. CC cost 21,50 and you must provide full details-name-adress-fone+mail and even some more.

Thank you Anna 🙂 I will try that then tomorrow. Do you know if we need to give our bank details over the phone or how it works?

I tried to contact SNCF by phone and did the reservations but when comes to the payment is not possible, i tried already several cards from different countries and nothing worked. They told me that thye just accepted american express and french cards?

Did someone encounter the same issue?
