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What’s the best way to book Krakow- Prague and Zurich-Bled night train? Thanks. 

For Kraków - Prague, reservation opens 60 days in advance.

It's one travel day as long as you don’t change after midnight:

Krakow - Prague: on the Czech railways website using these steps. Seat = 75 CZK, sleeper from 350 CZK.

Zürich - Lesce Bled: on the ÖBB website, using these steps. Seat = 14 EUR, couchette from 34 EUR, sleeper from 54 EUR.

Krakow - Prague: on the Czech railways website using these steps. Seat = 75 CZK, sleeper from 350 CZK.

Zürich - Lesce Bled: on the ÖBB website, using these steps. Seat = 14 EUR, couchette from 34 EUR, sleeper from 54 EUR.

I’ve tried to book Krakow-Prague but can’t get onto the 3rd step (from the link you provided) there’s nowhere that says ‘I want a reservation’. 


For Kraków - Prague, reservation opens 60 days in advance.

Okay thank you. Does this night train from Krakow-Prague count as 1 travel day on the pass? 
