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I am taking the Eurostar tomorrow - From Brussels to London with connections up from Germany using two ICE trains. I know there have been many cancellations and problems with these ICE trains recently, especially between Frankfurt and Brussels. The one I need to take was cancelled today for sure!

There is an alternate route (via Aachen and Welkenraedt) which I will take if there are problems. With this though it is likely I will miss my reserved Eurostar. 

I have 2 questions!

  1. What is the policy for missed connections onto Eurostar? If the ICE trains are delayed / cancelled, will Eurostar put my on next available train, even if travelling with Eurail/Interrail?
  2. If so, how do I prove that I was intending to take these trains?! With a “normal” ticket, this is easy to show. But with a mobile Eurail ticket I will have to completely remove the affected trains from my planner / ticket in order to add the new (later) trains that I must take. 




There is a common issue here with “proving” a delay. If I have a cancelled train, or a long delay, I will likely end up taking a different route to reach my destination. This could be some hours after I originally intended /booked. If I can then claim for compensation, how do I should my intended / delayed journey? To follow Eurrail rules, I have to delete the problem trains out of my ticket and add new trains. 

You can always take a screen shot of your Trip with the train you intended to take. And also take a screen shot of the info about the cancelled train.

Thanks, thats useful to know.

Yes, I tried to make a seat reservation, but there are none. I will have the train selected in my ticket app, but no fixed reservation. Hopefully they will allow travel if it does indeed run!

There is a common issue here with “proving” a delay. If I have a cancelled train, or a long delay, I will likely end up taking a different route to reach my destination. This could be some hours after I originally intended /booked. If I can then claim for compensation, how do I should my intended / delayed journey? To follow Eurrail rules, I have to delete the problem trains out of my ticket and add new trains. 

Da geht es wieder-ist ja soooo oft schon behandelt:

1.€* is obliged to offer seats/rebook you on the next train with AVAILable seats-and that may mean it is not the next one, but later. They are very well used to that in BRU as it happens so very often. Just join the Q. DE sind doch immer so ganz gut bekannt mit ´FahrGastRechte´?

@2-seems to me they must have noted that your intended ICE was cancelled due to dozens of people Qing up and telling them-plus they also have their own intra-rail info. BUT-spend that 4,50 and buy a Nur Sitzplatz RES für jene ICE-seems a wise investment to me.

You can after the pass  is finished even claim back delay-repay-but if it is a continous pass you will not get very much, if at all, for just 1 delay.

Falls du weiter reisen in GB plant: es kommen dort wieder STREIKs-viele.

Now in a Go-Ahead Zug to M der sogar pünktlich und auch nicht übervoll ist.
