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Hey all, we are looking ahead for our Europe trip to get everything booked ahead of time. So the Paris to Munich train is typically around 6 hours. Everything in that time frame (Sept 23) we look at is 14 hours long. Is it because it’s too early and the rail companies haven’t added there schedules fully yet? Any help would be very appreciated! Happy holidays

I really appreciate your response, we will wait. Hope you have a happy holiday season!

Untill not that long ago the booking frame was 2 MO-since then-varies per country-has relaxed a little. Trains are not planes and many railways also simply do not want to the trouble of angry pax who have to be advised multiple times that times have changed-with 2 or 3 mins. Plus that traditionally rail-tix were all ANON! This is also-just read a tiny bit further-in the general info on main site.

THis hence also implies that all these silly fears from those way over the ocean about full trains are nonsense-except the odd 2 or 3 that they all seem to want to use.

This direct train has a hefty surcharge-you can lower that-and also will have much more choice of timings-in using domestic FR TGV till Strasbourg only and then use RES-free/optional further german trains.

Way too early to book anything that far out.


If you want an idea of the available schedules just look at the current week, timetables don’t usually change a huge amount.
