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I got a reservation regarding destination Firenze to Munchen on 12th of July. One of the routes; Bologna to Munchen needed paper-tickets which shoguns be sent to my adress it was supposed to arrive 25/5  but it seems like it got stuck in the Netherlands and hasn’t gone any further. In contact with Post NL it says it’s been sorted and their custom service said that there are delay in distribution. We leave Sweden June 29th and need those tickets before that.

If we don’t get our paid reservation ticket for the destination is it any possibility to get help at a service desk in London at S:t Pancreas to get the ticket? Or what should we do?

I have contacted the eurail custom service… and awaiting a response but want to see if anyone here has any clue since the responding time seems to be slow at Eurail.




Thank you. I will have that in mind if I don’t recieve my tickets in time. It feels quite stupid since I paid for the reservation (20 euro for two people) and might need to get tickets elsewhere… 

20€ sounds like the supplement of 10€ per person 🙂 It´s difficult to say as i avoid interrails reservation service when ever i can and because of that have no experience what they sold you :/

They've now found a new way to confuse :(

I suspect this is a supplement with included reservation but that warning should not be displayed here.

Thank you. I will have that in mind if I don’t recieve my tickets in time. It feels quite stupid since I paid for the reservation (20 euro for two people) and might need to get tickets elsewhere… 


20€ sounds like the supplement of 10€ per person 🙂 It´s difficult to say as i avoid interrails reservation service when ever i can and because of that have no experience what they sold you :/

Thank you. I will have that in mind if I don’t recieve my tickets in time. It feels quite stupid since I paid for the reservation (20 euro for two people) and might need to get tickets elsewhere… 


I looks like you reserved via Interrail/Eurail?

You may contact Interrail via other social media channels like Twitter ;)

Below informations for fellow travelers.

Their Reservation service is not always the best solution :/
You could book Bologna - Munich directly with :)
Hopefully they provide you the correct paper as the train Bolgona - Munich doesn´t need a reservation (but i still recommend one)  but it need a surcharge Eurail/Interrail marks this as “Reservation Compulsory” and i´ve met many travelers on this train that are then surprised when the conductor asked for the surcharge of 10€ (2nd class) or 15€ 1st class and the traveler thought their 3€ reservation is all they need :/


