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Hello everybody,


Got a couple of questions. Why does it say here seat required and N/A what happens if we still go on the train? Do we really need to save a seat?


Another question can we travel with bus as well with the interrail pass?

Kind regards 

The last train-overnite, starts in Malmö-so I do not quite get it why they let you change 1 hr later. Its quite easy to RES yourself on on howtodoit (it needs a little trick)-and they ask for Passcover nr-but you can invent this as for now (I + 8 digits) It is around 10€ I think

There is also a snalltaget overntie (not daily) from Germany/Berlin-Hamburg direct on toi STO-seats on this cost 199 SEK extra and can be done easily on their site-this may be a more attractive ALtern.

N/A means that the system can't show the price. 

If a reservation is required and you don't have that, then the personnel on the train will tell you to leave the train, at least in Sweden. 

Reservations are mandatory on night trains.

Busses are normally not included in the Interrail offer unless the bus is a replacement for a train.
