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Hello All,

I recently had a particularly unpleasant experience when asking someone politely to move from my reserved seat on a compulsory reservation train in the Czech Republic (IC 500).


We ended up having to get the trains conductor and it got extremely aggressive.

Are there any suggestions or helpful advice you can provide going forward? 

Thanks in advance,

Ben :)

It is hard to say as I don't know what happened but maybe to ask the train staff for help as soon as the person says that they will not move. Not take a discussion with the person yourself. And then let the train staff handle the situation while you stand at the other end of the coach. That's just my thoughts. Maybe that's just what you did.

That’s the best advice.

Sadly you can’t always avoid encountering these types, once it is clear they aren’t going to respond to a polite request then disengage and let the staff sort it out.

A suggestion to the staff that you would happily compromise and take an unreserved seat in 1st class sometimes works.

It is hard to say as I don't know what happened but maybe to ask the train staff for help as soon as the person says that they will not move. Not take a discussion with the person yourself. And then let the train staff handle the situation while you stand at the other end of the coach. That's just my thoughts. Maybe that's just what you did.
