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Do you know if there is trains between Patras or Igoumenitsa and Athens ?

I find only proposals of bses on Internet.

And in that case, are the buses included in the Interrail/Eurorail included ?

Thanks a lot for your answers.

Have a nice evening,

Dear mcadv,I think a train with trainOSE goes from Petras to Athens via Korinthos.You are probably (very) young, but know that, as a former sixty-eighter, I have done the research you suggest in the past.And a lot of travel before the "geeks" and the Internet stopped oral communication.Hopefully we can still contact each other, because your humor is impressive (or is it mockery, which would disappoint me!)Good evening,

You did it right! Great-some one here even able to find google. Does not happen too often.

There never ever have been any trains on rails to Igou/ferryport.

In the distant past (think <2000) the Peloponnesos half-isle had narrow gauge trains all around it, incl along the coast and main stop Patras, these have been installed, with the nice idea to have it rebuild to standard gauge and higher speed. Money ran out, corruption is the name of the game, plus the usual Greek unability to proper plan any major buildings,. There is now a new line about halfway west from Ath->Ptr, with the rest a rail-operated connecting bus-it seems passes should be valid on it (but I´ve not yet seen a positive yes on this).

In the past people also did a very funny thing: they read GUIDEbooks before venturing out into unknown lands+spaces. IN the library you can still find these funny things. They will all declare the favorite means of transportation in GR is the ferryboat, and on land the BUS-KTEL, green, a giant cooperative and in season also very much used by the touristiki. NO, they will not take passes. In short: a pass is about worthless in GR-as most other railways have also been suspended and there are NO more any trains over border at all.
