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I bought a mobile pass but lots of online reservations only work with paper pass ☹️

Sorry, but how odd this is!! I really thought I could arrange everything “mobile” when buying a “mobile” pass.


So now I’m looking for the best way to make reservations online / mobile for:

England / Spain / Portugal and how much time before must I make a reservation for those countries?



Thank you!



When you say that the reservations only work with the paper pass I guess that you mean that you are lacking the pass cover number that is needed to make the reservation. If you contact @Nanja she can provide you with the information you need to make the reservations.

En het is erg slim voldoende Spaans te kunnen spreken.

Is niet per se nodig. In Madrid konden ze zelfs Engels en anders laat je de dienstregeling zien, met treinnummer(s) en datum.


Loket. Kaartenverkooppunt. ze zitten daar echt nog achter glas en met zo¨n draaischijf. Ook volop automaten, maar die zijn enkel voor gewone biljetten. Het gaat overigens bepaald nooit vlot-alsof elke klant geheel nieuwe en nooit eerder vernomen problems brengt. En het is erg slim voldoende Spaans te kunnen spreken.

Overigens worden nog steeds in ESpana een zeer groot deel van normale treinbiljetten via reisagenturen verkocht-met extra ´service´opslag. Er bestaan daar inderdaad nog heel wat reisburos, in NL zowat uitgestorven. En net als met vliegen verkopen die dan verzorgde pakketreizen.

ticket office = ticket counter at a train station.

In Germany, a DB travel agent can also do it.

thank you. what do you mean with a ‘ticket office’ , is that a desk at (any) train-station or do you mean a travel agency?


The fact that there's a mobile pass does not mean that all participating companies suddenly have the possibility to book online reservations. And the type of pass (paper or mobile) doesn’t make a difference for the reservations.

For Great Britain, you can make a reservation via GWR using these steps. Reservations for domestic day trains are optional. You can also do that at any ticket office in GB. Seat reservations in GB are free of charge.

For Spain, online reservation is not possible. You can book:

  • at a ticket office in Germany of via phone (+49 30 2970) but the reservations will still be on paper, so you'll have to collect them in Germany or have them sent to you via the post.
  • at a ticket office in Spain
  • by phone via RENFE, with limitations, see this page (scroll down to Spain)

Pass holder seats in Spain are not quota-controlled, so booking a few days in advance is usually enough.

For Portugal, you can only book at a ticket office in Portugal. Here also no limited quota.

For any high speed trains in/to/from France though, quota for pass holders are limited.
