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Hi, We are a family from Sweden with two younger kids and a little dog.  We would like to experice the night train through Germany to Swizzerland, and continue from there to our destination Sicily.

 Are there any night train with sleepers between Hamburg and Munich? so far jag have seen for example ICE1689, but there is no sleepers on that train, is that right? Again,  Duisburg till Basel, NJ 403, the price for a coach/ person is 159 Euro, is this possble? even with a interral pass? or am i searching in a wrong way? Exremly grateful for advice and tips.

Many thanks!


ICE has optional reservations and only seats.

The NJ has mandatory reservations and seats usually start from 14€. NJ reservations are best booked via Do NOT use "Seat only” but add the "Interrail / Eurail” discount and then look for normal tickets.

The NJ Hamburg - München leaves Hamburg Altona at 20:11 and Hamburg Hbf at 20:29, arriving in München Hbf at 10:16.

There's also a NJ Hamburg - Zürich.

Probably,  I was little worried about many trains can be fully booked, but maybe there is no need.

No need to worry. Pass holder seats in domestic trains in Italy are not quota-controlled and can be booked until they are full. If you start the booking process on the Trenitalia website, with seat selection, you can see which seats ar still free.

For Hamburg to Innsbruck I get "Ticket not available” from 3 people. There are only seats available when I try with 1 or 2. So it is almost fully booked.

Hamburg to Zürich is either fully booked or not open for reservations yet. You could ask SBB, DB or ÖBB, usually best via social media to get a quick response.

ICE seats class can lean backwards a little but you can't ly down.

Easiest Route would be
Hamburg - Zürich Nighttrain
then Zürich - Milan
and from Milan you can catch a 20hrs Nighttrain directly to Sicily :D

Strange… DB has the train on that date but ÖBB doesn't, they only show it up until 11 June.

Maybe ÖBB still need to update with the latest timetables? I'd wait for a bit (next week or so) and then try again.

You should be able to book that train via ÖBB. Price should be 3€.

Which train is that exactly? (date, departure time)

Trenitalia stopped selling Interrail reservations online, claiming it's because of misuse. Trainline have never sold them.

You can book Italian day trains online via ÖBB the same way you book night trains: do NOT use “Seat only” but add the "Interrail / Eurail” discount and look for normal tickets.

NO, angel; on NJ its exact the opposite; the 1 person private sleepers get snapped up quickest (there are a fair lot of very lonely singular people in Germany wanting exactly that) and the seats (but In DE these are treated as IC/night-as you saw in other items) the last.

By the way, NJ train is better to book directly from Öbb, is that right?

That is correct. No booking fees and generally their website works better.

That is so wonderful to hear! I am also struggling with finding the right web to book the train from Roma to Taormina-Giardini, have tried both and,

I didn’t manage to find place to add “interrail discound” on neither sites. Why is that?

By the way, NJ train is better to book directly from Öbb, is that right?

That is correct. No booking fees and generally their website works better.

Here comes a pic from Trainline, 24 July

and the one below is from Trenitalia.


You can book Italian day trains online via ÖBB the same way you book night trains: do NOT use “Seat only” but add the "Interrail / Eurail” discount and look for normal tickets.


I see, good to know! So it seems like ÖBB is a great train operator for lots of trains in Europe. That’s very useful info! 😀

ICE has optional reservations and only seats.

The NJ has mandatory reservations and seats usually start from 14€. NJ reservations are best booked via Do NOT use "Seat only” but add the "Interrail / Eurail” discount and then look for normal tickets.

The NJ Hamburg - München leaves Hamburg Altona at 20:11 and Hamburg Hbf at 20:29, arriving in München Hbf at 10:16.

There's also a NJ Hamburg - Zürich.

Nice! Thank you so much! By the way, NJ train is better to book directly from Öbb, is that right?

Thank you so much for your help. @rvdborgt Just a feedback.  Tried just now, but that train doesn’t seem to exist via ÖBB.  The train number is:  Intercity 727.




Yes there is a nightjet from Hamburg to Innsbruck via Munich. 

From Hamburg at 20:29


The Nightjets get very soon full, and maybe only a deluxe sleeper was free. 

Thanks! Where can I see the reservation info that you send? Öbb ticket shop?

Probably,  I was little worried about many trains can be fully booked, but maybe there is no need.

Thanks for your time! It feels so much better to have someone experienced to talk with. Thank you!

The Nightjets get very soon full, and maybe only a deluxe sleeper was free. 

159€ sounds like a normal ticket.

Hi again, thanks for all the wonderful suggestions! I have made some searches via ÖBB.

Date: 23 July  Who’s going: 2 adults +3 kids/youth+ 1 dog :)

Night train from Hamburg to Innsbruck, NJ (Ticket not available)

Night train from Hamburg to Zurich, NJ(Ticket not available)

Night train from Hamburg to Munich (ICE) Yes! tickets found! seats of course.

Now i’m wondering:

What does “Ticket not available” mean? Sold out? all these night trains are so popular, none of them is left in July?

How bad is it to take ICE seats with our younger kids? haha😅, can the seats lean backwards?





Yes there is a nightjet from Hamburg to Innsbruck via Munich. 

From Hamburg at 20:29


The Nightjets get very soon full, and maybe only a deluxe sleeper was free. 
