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Do you have to start/finish your trip in your country of residence?


I live in the UK but in order to get the most out of my pass, I’m wondering whether to just take the Eurostar to Belgium with an ordinary Eurostar ticket (ie not the pass) and then start using the pass in Belgium. I’m also not sure that I want to do a round trip which returns to my country of residence - can I do this or does my final travel day have to be back to my country of residence? Thanks

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

There is no such obligation.

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

As an example last year we had a 10 day in 2 months pass and had no problems with flying out and starting in mainland Europe and coming back by train on two different excursions and routings. The use of 2 days in your COR is simply an option for you in your planning.
