Help with packing essentials


Hello all!

In 12 days time I’m starting my first interrail trip! I just wanted to ask you all for some help/tips on what to/not to pack.

Our route is as follows:

  • 28th July - 31st Madrid
  • 31st - 2nd August Barcelona
  • 2nd - 4th Naples
  • 4th - 6th Florence
  • 6th - 8th Bologna
  • 8th - 10th Munich
  • 10th - 14th Prague
  • 14th - 17th Berlin
  • 17th - 18th Amsterdam
  • 18th - 19th Rotterdam
  • 19th - 20th Brussels
  • 20th - 22nd Paris
  • and finally 22nd - 27th Bordeaux


So overall there’s a lot of hot countries, so shorts and light clothing has already been acquired, but I just wanted to ask for help on items like packing squares, first aid kits, towels etc. What are other essentials other than the obvious like clothes, toiletries, power banks  etc, that some of you more experience travellers would recommned? Thank you all so much in advance for the help!

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

I hope you made a plan with timetables. Barcelona-Naples is a looong way.

Userlevel 7
Badge +7

I always take an extra pair of shoes, and a small bag so you don’t have to trot around with all your stuff constantly.

The most important advice is not to take to much with you/overpack, there are plenty of laundromats everywhere to clean your clothes.
