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Hi I need to buy paper pass because my family is coning next week to germany and we would likt to travel with eurail pass (for my family) and for me interrail. But the website doesnt offer premium shipping for 10 days in two months travel. It states that it will be delivered on 29. Any Idea how to have premium shipping?

Aus den Besonderen Internationalen Beförderungsbedingungen der Deutschen Bahn AG:

2.13 Eurail-Hilfsstellen der DB
Im Bereich der DB sind Eurail Pässe ausschließlich in folgenden Verkaufsstellen (Eurail-Hilfsstellen / Aid Offices) erhältlich:
Berlin Hbf, Berlin Flughafen BER, Dresden Hbf, Düsseldorf Hbf, Frankfurt(M) Hbf, Frankfurt (M) Flughafen, Hamburg Hbf, Hannover Hbf, Heidelberg Hbf, Köln Hbf, Leipzig Hbf, München Hbf, München Flughafen, Stuttgart Hbf, DB UK Surbiton (London).


DB can sell INTer r immediately=as paper pass, in about all bigger Reisezenter. But youre just too late to profit from the special 50% off discount.

It can even sell EUrail=for the foreigners from over the ocean, direct on the spot, but ONLY in the 3 big cities with big INterconti airports: F-B-M. Of course-just google, its all on their site.

Selamat jalan dan kereta api listrik.

Hi I need to buy paper pass because my family is coning next week to germany and we would likt to travel with eurail pass (for my family) and for me interrail. But the website doesnt offer premium shipping for 10 days in two months travel. It states that it will be delivered on 29. Any Idea how to have premium shipping?

Why not buying it direct at the station in Germany? Then you have it immediately.
Otherwise the mobile pass would be immediately ready for travel.
