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Can I use my Pass BEFORE an Outbound journey if I am already abroad?

  • 14 May 2022
  • 1 reply

Hi, 3 related questions, please - I hope someone can clarify.

I plan to use my 3-month continous pass between 1 July and 30 September. I am a UK resident:

  1. Can I use my pass BEFORE an Outbound journey? I will already be abroad when I’d like to start using my 3-month (ie on 1 July). Can I return to UK using an Inbound journey (although I won’t have left the UK on an Outbound)?
  2. Can I then have 2 Inbound journeys (instead of 1 Outbound and 1 Inbound)? I  plan to travel again in August and September. I would pay for my own own Outbound (in August) but use my pass for my final Inbound journery at the end of September.
  3. OR, should I wait until August to use my Outbound journey and September to use my Inbound? In this case, would I still be able to travel in Europe BEFORE August (ie before I trigger my 1st outbound)?

Basically, I need to return to the UK twice between 1 July and 30 Septmeber and would like to travel whenever in EU using the Outbound-Inbound allowance for 2 Inbounds.

Many thanks for any help clarifying this!


Yes 🙂 the Outbound / Inbound journey can be taken at anytime in any order within the pass validity. No problem to start in a foreign country first.

with a mobile (digital) pass it´s possible as the App doesnt differ between Inbound/ Outbound it just differ between Travelday in Country of Residence and Traveldays outside of your Country.

Is answered by question 1 in my opinion
