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I have a 10 day first class pass, not activated, and have already purchased through SBCB reservations for Eurostar and TGV.

I now wish to exchange the pass for one with fewer journeys and even though this is a reduction in value to Interrail I understand that I can do this for a 15 Euro fee. 

Will my existing reservations (for which I had to generate a pass cover number) be valid with the new pass?

Thanks, Scott

Thank you!

And on an aside but with reference to an issue you have been helpful with previously, I have just contacted DB in Germany to try to get reservations for Spain sent to the UK. They were very helpful and it is all perfectly possible but their systems did not show the particular trains that I was looking for, for example the 9.02 St Sebastian - Madrid Chamartin. Others on the route - yes.

I have done the maths and I can downgrade my interrail pass from 10 journeys to 4 and if I move now get actual tickets booked for my Spain and Portugal journeys - for a price equal to the pass + reservation money saved. 

Your reservations will remain valid. There's no pass number on them, just your name.
