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Hi ! Need some help please

We have 4 days on our global pass. We are going to Slovenia, by only using 2 trips, from Paris to ljubljana and then ljubljana to Paris.

That means we have two more days of travelling available. And we wanted to go to Barcelona during the month our pass is activated with the 2 remaining days of our Global pass. Is it possible to do Paris - Barcelona and Barcelona- Paris , or does the pass only accept one inbound/outbound trip, so that means that we are obligated to use our 2 remaining daytrips outside of France ? 

Thank you ! 



It's to late, we already purchased our tickets to Slovenia..

We'll figure a way to use our two remaining tickets some other way then !

Thank you all for your replies

Which way will you go to Slovenia?

You might prefer to buy a ticket from Paris to Germany or Switzerland, then continue with your pass from there. That way, you can save your two ‘France days’ for the trip to Barcelona and back.

Basically, look at the prices for cash tickets for all four journeys, and you can decide which works out cheapest.

Bear in mind the reservation costs you will incur with the pass (highest in France and Spain)

Okay, that's kind of a shame... but thanks for the answer !

And if the ticket includes a connection in france (like leaving from Belgium to go to Barcelona, but connexion in Paris) ?

You still can't use it in France.

Okay, that's kind of a shame... but thanks for the answer !

And if the ticket includes a connection in france (like leaving from Belgium to go to Barcelona, but connexion in Paris) ?


You need to use the 2 remaining days outside of France so you need to purchase a normal ticket to the French/Spanish border.
