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Hi fellow traintakers,


I have an itinerary made for a trip to Italy, but was wondering how many travel days I will need since it includes night trains.


31st of March: Ghent to Munich

31st of March to 1st of April: Munich to La Spezia nighttrain


11th of April to 12th of April: La Spezia to Munich nighttrain

12th of April: Munich to Ghent


Is this three or four travel days? Could I still make a trip from Ghent to Berlin with the same pass (which includes 4 travel days in total).


Thank you!

Thanks a lot for your answer!

Gent-La Spezia uses 1 travel day, La Spezia-Gent will use 2. You 'll still have 1 travel day left, which you can use as you please. If you have a pass with 3 inbound/outbound days instead of the default 2 (there's currently a pilot and Belgian residents seem to have 3 lately), then you can also use it in Belgium.
