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Yes Thank you. I already asked the customer service. 

I want to book a train from Paris to Aix en Provance on the 26th. There is no train available on the interrail reservation site so I tried it on travel-b- Europe. Then I can go from Paris to Lyon and then from Lyon to Aix en provance. But I need a a Pass cover number.

Is there any other way?

What you should have done/or maybe still can do-for the quickest trip (I just returned from that area last week):

book TGV till MARSEILLE (ev hour)

if you insist on the rails-check on arr if there is a train du to AeP soon-probably not at odd hrs. In that case: walk to gare routiere=side by side, same building, double deck buses speed over motor way ev 5 o r 10 mins- and can maybe even deliver you much closer by to final placestostay. Cost like 5-6 €, buy ticket at counter -or from driver.

THis route is one of the very few in FR where the bus is king and train just a 2nd rate slow thingy

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