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Hi, we are not quite sure what to do about the inbound and outbound journey and how to fill it out. First of all, we do not know when we will be taking our last train - does that mean we have to just set a date? Because interrail is about just going with the flow you know, and there isn’t much about already deciding an end destination… We did’nt begin in our country of residence and we will not finish in it either? What do we do?


Okay, so do we just write some random date and place down? And then we can just use another location, date and time when we get to the last trainride or?

You have the paper pass? If you don't use your inbound/outbound journeys, then you don't write down anything there.

There is no obligation to start or end your Interrail trip in your country of residence, so there is no obligation to start or end with an outbound journey.

Okay, so do we just write some random date and place down? And then we can just use another location, date and time when we get to the last trainride or?

why do you want to write a random date on it? If you don’t need it don’t fill it out. 

Do you have a paper or mobile pass?

Okay, so do we just write some random date and place down? And then we can just use another location, date and time when we get to the last trainride or?

You don't have to plan your whole trip in advance. You don't even have to use your inbound and outbound journeys. And when you use them, that's entirely up to you. You can use them on any travel day.

Be aware though that the inbound/outbound journeys are not extra travel days. It's just that on 2 of the travel days on your Interrail, you can travel in your country of residence.
