One journey can be several trains on the same day so you are fine to go from Manchester to London and onto the Eurostar as long as you do it on the same day.
Please note that the Interrail uses CET, which is GMT+1, so you need to board the Eurostar no later than 22.59 GMT.
OK thanks, are you 100% sure. From Manchester to London avanti want £150
I haven't activated my Pass yet, do I just get a universal pass that can scan on any train?
I am going with 4 friends and all there tickets are being activated on my phone.
I am absolutely sure how the outbound/inbound rule works.
Regarding what trains the Interrail pass is valid on in the UK you need to check at the Interrail website:
I would say that it is a bit risky to have all tickets on one phone. This means that you will have to travel together all the time. If something happened so that someone of you would need to go back home earlier than that person has to buy a separate ticket. Or if someone misses a train, then that person can't just take the next train but has to buy a ticket first.
You know that reservations are separate from the ticket that you have to create in the app for each trip?
You can have the reservation for the 5 of you on one device even if everyone has their passes on their own devices.
As its indeed the case-(due to shyhigh brit railprcies and their utmost complicated system of fares off/out/peak etc) that in some cases a cheap pass can be cheaper as a normal return!
It is also more as once reported that conductors will want to see the REServation/proof for onward trips ´on the continent´ to verify that you are thus not ´misusing´ their revenue-protection system!
You must make both trips on same day, cannot stay overnight in LON and then continue onward tomorrow
Yes its crazy. We will be making the trip on the same day.
This is our first time inter railing, I will go with your advise and let each of our party register there own tickets to there own phone.
What website do you use to book seat reservations?
We are planning on booking our eurostar seat reservations (Outbound & Inbound) ASAP for travel end of July and leaving the other seat reservations and booking the day before we travel.
Thanks so much for your help!
As its indeed the case-(due to shyhigh brit railprcies and their utmost complicated system of fares off/out/peak etc) that in some cases a cheap pass can be cheaper as a normal return!
It is also more as once reported that conductors will want to see the REServation/proof for onward trips ´on the continent´ to verify that you are thus not ´misusing´ their revenue-protection system!
You must make both trips on same day, cannot stay overnight in LON and then continue onward tomorrow
Hi, I was planning a very similar journey on Avanti West Coast the Eurostar on 13 August. Now Avanti are striking and I will have to travel to London the day before. They will accept tickets for strike days on other days, do you think this will include the interrail ‘ticket’ in the app, showing my outbound journey planned for 13th August form my home town through to Brussels?
Hi, I was planning a very similar journey on Avanti West Coast the Eurostar on 13 August. Now Avanti are striking and I will have to travel to London the day before. They will accept tickets for strike days on other days, do you think this will include the interrail ‘ticket’ in the app, showing my outbound journey planned for 13th August form my home town through to Brussels?
That sounds like a good idea, but the only once that can say for sure that it will work is the railway company in the UK that you will travel with.
Yes its crazy. We will be making the trip on the same day.
This is our first time inter railing, I will go with your advise and let each of our party register there own tickets to there own phone.
What website do you use to book seat reservations?
We are planning on booking our eurostar seat reservations (Outbound & Inbound) ASAP for travel end of July and leaving the other seat reservations and booking the day before we travel.
Thanks so much for your help!
Great Britain does not share all their timetable data with us, so it might be useful to add here that you can check which trains are included in our pass network over here. You can make reservations for domestic trips within Great Britain via ACP Rail or locally at the station. Since it is high season, we strongly recommend making all reservations as far in advance as possible to avoid disappointment.
Great Britain does not share all their timetable data with us, so it might be useful to add here that you can check which trains are included in our pass network over here. You can make reservations for domestic trips within Great Britain via ACP Rail or locally at the station.
@Claudi. Is there any reason why you're suggesting to pay for reservations in GB while we all know that they can be done online free of charge via GWR?