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Je souhaite faire un voyage aux pays-bas.

J’ai un pass mobile. Si je jour du voyage je souhaite rester finalement plus longtemps dans une ville et que je reporte l’heure de mon prochain train, est ce que il est possible d’ajouter ce nouveau voyage?

Sachant qu’il est impossiblede supprimer une journée de voyage

TIP: depending on where in that hexagone you live: just take TGV to LIlle (EUR)-walk to Flandres (10 mins) and use the hourly Belgian trains to Antwerpen/change there to hourly train to NL-Rotterdam-Amsterdam-these are all like TER-UNreserved. Avoid the very expensive Thalys.

Both In BE and NL all trains run ev 30 or 60 mins-like in the Banlieue around Paris and are best compared to a grand-scale metro with out any REServations or other things the SNCF has invneted to discourage travel.

You can change your journeys without any problem. You don't even have to add a journey in advance (or activate a travel day in advance); you only have to do that before you board a train.

If you planned to take a train with mandatory reservation, however, then that is a limiting factor. You would then need to change the reservation to another train, which is only possible if seats for pass holders are still available on that train. If changing a reservation is possible, you must often do such a change before the departure time on the reservation, there can be costs involved and the number of changes you can do is often also limited (if at all possible).
