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Since the website says the 6-Day pass is a “paper pass”, I’m wondering if I will get hassle at the Greek ticket/ferry stations for using the mobile app to collect my tickets and board the ferries.


If anyone has experience or can speak on whether I should be fine to collect my tickets at the Greek ferry stations with just the app and online reservations, would appreciate your help!



Greek railways should sell it. At least they used to do that. There was a report last year from someone who didn't succeed in buying it at a ticket office but we don't know whether that was because they stopped selling it or because the staff was unfamiliar with it.

You could ask Greek railways:

They have a contact form for information.

Hi I am wanting to purchase the 6 day ferry pass but I see there is only the paper option. So what you are saying is that we cannot put it on our mobile app. If I purchase it now. It won’t come in time before we leave to Greece. What do I do in this case? Purchase the 4 day pass? 

Correct. I am informed there are some sub-distributors selling the 6 Greek Island Pass in Greek stations, but I cannot tell you for sure. 

Hi I am wanting to purchase the 6 day ferry pass but I see there is only the paper option. So what you are saying is that we cannot put it on our mobile app. If I purchase it now. It won’t come in time before we leave to Greece. What do I do in this case? Purchase the 4 day pass? 

Hi @Mert Mensah 

Unfortunately, this is not possible. You cannot synchronise the Greek Island Pass for 6 days in the App. You can try getting the Pass in Greek stations, otherwise you can purchase the new mobile Greek island Pass for 4 days. 

Have a nice day!
