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Hey guys, I’ve put my planned journey from London to Vienna into the website's ‘plan my trip'. By my count, it’s 4 travel days but the planner is counting it as six days. Does anyone know why and which one is right?


My plan is:

London - Brussels on the 19th April

Brussels - Frankfurt on the 21st April

Frankfurt - Munich on the 23rd April

Munich - Salzburg - Vienna on the 25th April


I count that as 4 travel days but the planner is saying it’s 6 travel days, so I need the 7 day travel pass.


The link to the planner is here:


Does anyone have any idea what’s up here?


Thanks in advance!


Super helpful, thank you!

Thank you so much Thalys!

That seems like a pretty big flaw for a journey planner that suggests the ticket option you should go with, but glad you could confirm I’m not being mad.

Do you know how I can for the Eurostar seats? I’m happy to reserve from now, do I need to just try and book it and see what comes up, or is there somewhere I can check which trains still have interail seats?



Iam not Thalys 😃 Thalys are the expensive trains between Paris - Brussels - Amsterdam/Cologne :D

Yes you can search via -Beurope (but to reserve you need a PassCoverNumber if you book a MobilePass you have to ask Eurail/Interrail to provide you with a PassCoverNumber)
You can reserve even directly via Interrail/Eurail here the link to check for free seats  

Thank you so much Thalys!

That seems like a pretty big flaw for a journey planner that suggests the ticket option you should go with, but glad you could confirm I’m not being mad.

Do you know how I can for the Eurostar seats? I’m happy to reserve from now, do I need to just try and book it and see what comes up, or is there somewhere I can check which trains still have interail seats?



You need 4 Traveldays of a Flexipass
I assume the system counts the time you are actually on this trip and this would be 6days from 19th April to 25th April :)

A 4days in a month pass would be enough 🙂 You need a reservation for the Eurostar (check before if the train you intend still offer seats as the seats in Eurostar for Eurail/Interrail are limited)

From Brussels to Frankfurt use the ICE and avoid the expensive Thalys :)

