All reservations shown as "Not available"

  • 28 July 2021
  • 8 replies


I am trying to book seat reservations on the Interrail website. The train I would like to book (a TGV Paris-Karlsruhe) is shown as “Not available”. At first I thought the train might be full, but then I also checked other dates (every day of the week) and other cities (Stockholm to Malmö, Hamburg to Karlsruhe or to Amsterdam, etc...)

Every single train I checked, regardless of time of day, date or city, is shown as “Not available”.

Is there anything wrong with the website or the interface, or am I missing something?

For information; I tried on both Chrome and Firefox, as well as the app. I have a valid mobile pass, bought at the end of June, which I will start using next week. I am booking only for myself.
Or perhaps I need to add the travel days to the mobile pass first?

I’m thankful for any help or tips!


8 replies

Trying to book for more than one passenger?

Further, as Interrail charges an extra fee of 2 EUR per seat:

  • Stockholm - Malmö: book via SJ.
  • Copenhagen - Hamburg: book via DSB.
  • Hamburg - Karlsruhe/Amsterdam (or other journeys in/from/to Germany with optional reservations): book via DB, using the option "Seat only”. Enter your whole journey because DB only charges once per journey (also with multiple trains) with optional reservations.
  • TGV or ICE Germany - France can be bought at German and French ticket offices or by phone via DB (+49 30 2970, collect at DB ticket machine) or via SNCF (PDF via e-mail, I think).

Thank you for this list of options! I called DB at the number you indicated and could finally book a seat in a ICE crossing border from Germany to France for the cost of 13 euro. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Happy to hear that. Thanks for letting us know how you ended up solving it. Have a great weekend :relaxed: Cheers, 

Hi, me and the Customer Support team have not come across any issues like the one you are describing. Can you double-check the traveller information in your account, to make sure it's all there and correct?


I actually did not realize that the trip was already added to my trip page when I bought the online pass (I’ve done quite a lot of interrail trips and they’re all called “My Interrail Trip”...)  So I added a new trip manually and tried to use it for reservations, but then I did not have a Pass Cover Number, that’s where the issue came from. It’s working now :)

Hi, me and the Customer Support team have not come across any issues like the one you are describing. Can you double-check the traveller information in your account, to make sure it's all there and correct?

Hello and thank you for your answer.

I purchased a mobile pass. On the Interrail website I used the option “add travelers from another order” to add the information to my trip, since I did not get a pass cover number.

Now when I check the traveler details manually, the validity of the pass is greyed and shows 15 days where it should show 4 days within a month, and the class is not ticked. But I cannot edit it, since I need a pass cover number to do manual edits. Should I request a PCN?


Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Hi, me and the Customer Support team have not come across any issues like the one you are describing. Can you double-check the traveller information in your account, to make sure it's all there and correct?

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

It is impossible to book seat only reservation on DB for cross border trains, at least trains with France.

Correct for the DB website. That's why I mentioned the options for TGV or ICE Germany - France in my 4th bullet point.

I am booking only for myself.

It is impossible to book seat only reservation on DB for cross border trains, at least trains with France.

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Trying to book for more than one passenger?

Further, as Interrail charges an extra fee of 2 EUR per seat:

  • Stockholm - Malmö: book via SJ.
  • Copenhagen - Hamburg: book via DSB.
  • Hamburg - Karlsruhe/Amsterdam (or other journeys in/from/to Germany with optional reservations): book via DB, using the option "Seat only”. Enter your whole journey because DB only charges once per journey (also with multiple trains) with optional reservations.
  • TGV or ICE Germany - France can be bought at German and French ticket offices or by phone via DB (+49 30 2970, collect at DB ticket machine) or via SNCF (PDF via e-mail, I think).
