
Can't book nightjet in August (Vienna - Strasbourg, Munich - Budapest)

  • 7 May 2024
  • 3 replies



I am planning my first Interrail trip for this summer (~5 to 16 August, approx). My desired trip would be something such as: Lyon (departure city, I am not staying there) → Mannheim → Munich → Budapest → Bratislava → Vienna → Strasbourg → Lyon (arrival). I am flexible on dates and visited cities.


I would like to book night trains in this trip, and Munich - Budapest then Vienna - Strasbourg seem to fit perfectly. However I can’t book any using the nightjet website: “no offers available”, but there are offers in July. Do you know what is going on there ? I’ve tried contacting OBB via their phone number but no answer.




Best answer by thibcabe 7 May 2024, 10:56

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3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Bookings are probably not open yet.

Stuttgart/Munich - Budapest is available until 11th July at the moment. I might suggest going to Augsburg from Munich so you have a longer night sleep.

Vienna - Strasbourg isn’t open for August yet. This night train doesn’t run daily and sometimes doesn’t stop in Strasbourg (diverted via Saarbrücken as there are works after Strasbourg). If you take this train you’ll have to use this workaround (about inbound/outbound travel days):

Otherwise have a look at Vienna - Zurich (rather expensive) or Vienna - Bregenz (very affordable thanks to subsidies*, shiny new carriages). From both cities you can easily reach Lyon during the day. :)

*about 20€ for the convenient and cool mini cabin. More:

Bookings are probably not open yet.

Stuttgart/Munich - Budapest is available until 11th July at the moment. I might suggest going to Augsburg from Munich so you have a longer night sleep.

Vienna - Strasbourg isn’t open for August yet. This night train doesn’t run daily and sometimes doesn’t stop in Strasbourg (diverted via Saarbrücken as there are works after Strasbourg). If you take this train you’ll have to use this workaround (about inbound/outbound travel days):

Otherwise have a look at Vienna - Zurich (rather expensive) or Vienna - Bregenz (very affordable thanks to subsidies*, shiny new carriages). From both cities you can easily reach Lyon during the day. :)

*about 20€ for the convenient and cool mini cabin. More:

Well just now I saw that I can book Munich - Budapest, but still not Vienna - Strasbourg. You may be right about the bookings not opened yet. Departure from Augsburg is at 23:04 and from Munich at around 23h54, I guess the difference is not that much. And yes also I didn’t precise that I may like to stop at Strasbourg to see some friends and have a stop there. I’ll check anyway about Zurich and Bregenz, thanks!!

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Only note that you can travel on max 2 days in your country of residence (France then). Otherwise you're fully flexible :)
