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No reservation available for train

Hey guys, I´ve got a big problem while I want to make the reservations which are necessary for my summer tour through europe.


I want to take a train from London to Edinburgh on the 31th augsut and  back the other way late the next day but both trains can´t be reserved saying it cant be done by eurail.


So i tried the other websites which should let me get my reservations like APC Rail and LNER but there it also isnt possible to get a reservation for both trains and now i don´t now what to do.


Would love to get some help from you


Thanks, Luca

Same Q has been posted+answered here a few dozen times. There should be a better search.

1.way too early

2.dont worry-there will be seats, trains run at least ev hour or sometimes even more often

3.its FREE when done at any counter IN GB and done in seconds. The wait to reach counter will take longer.

(I did it for myself just a few hrs before dep. in Edin-a most confusing maze-like station BTW with lots of stairs to street level)

In addition, this reservation is optional, although recommended on busy days.
