Hello everyone, my name is Nathan and I will be travelling with 6 of my friends all over the Europe this august between the 1st and 17th of August.
We planned to do :
- Paris → Amsterdam
- Amsterdam → Berlin
- Berlin → Vienne
- Vienne → Ljubljana
- Ljubljana → Zagreb
- Zagreb → Budapest
- Budapest → Prague
- and then take a flight between Prague and Paris
We will stay in each place for 1 to 2 nights and sometimes take a train during the night in order to not pay any hostel (for ex. between Berlin and Amsterdam). However, when we try to reserve any seats, it says that we don’t need any reservations. Does that mean that we just go to the train and enter it hoping there are any places left ? If there any places available, can we just stay in the corridor or we must go out ? If we must go out of the train, we are in a pretty sh*tty situations since we have all of our hostels reserved in advance.
How does we active a travel-day on our pass ? We just have to show our phone with the reservations ?