Because ÖBB can sell for this train only Standard Price tickets. DB sells you a Non-Flexible Ticket of SBB or Trenitalia. You will not get a DB Ticket.
You can also check to buy via or, the price should be the same as
A question, this is the forum of Interrail/Eurail, do you have an Interrail or you are only curios about normal ticket fares? With Interrail this trip would cost 11€ for the reservation.
@Angelo thanks for the answer.
Right now, I am trying to compare point-to-point tickets vs Eurail Pass cost and see which one should I go for. Also the has been down for me since morning 
Just a bit worried because some part of my travel involves trip in and out of Paris (Munich to Paris and Paris to Geneva), and reading others in this community, it seems booking TGV reservation via Eurail self service is mostly hit and miss?
If so, then I am not sure even if I buy a Eurail pass, I might have to get individual TGV tickets (which is very expensive in itself)
@wanderer62536 yes, TGVs in France are a bit difficult, because due to technical problems, can only sell for TGV in France only the quota of seats that are at 10€ and not all other seat that are available at 20€. This second price type, is bookable with an Paper Pass Cover Number via B-Europe or at desks of SNCF, SNCB or SBB CFF FFS or calling the call center of SNCF (please use the english Callcenter, in French only French credit cards)