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Hi! My question’s a little bit confused so i need your experiences.

Me, as a non EU citizen, created a route and want to go France by plane (there’s no restrictions) first. Then i will go Switzerland and here’s the problem! There’s no restrictions for passengers from france, but i’m a non EU citizen. (The countries here are just an example, i just wanted to explain situation)

Does anyone have an experience like that? Did you face any problem? Thanks in advance!

You are talking about Quarantine rules. Most countries I checked so far are only talking about where you have been the last 10 or 14 days, and not where you came from. Just make sure that you can prove to be already “long enough” in Europe. Keep your flight ticket.


But anyway, to be sure, you need to check each countries rules. Lots of work, I know.

Have a look at the German app "Sicher Reisen". It covers all European regulations. Probably you'll have to use Google Translator 😉


Have a look at the German app "Sicher Reisen". It covers all European regulations. Probably you'll have to use Google Translator 😉


This App is mainly for German Citizens as the APP doesnt Show the restrictions and rules for foreign people :/ 


Bestway to inform is the Websites of the Foreign or Tourist ministery of the countries you wann visit 🙂 For example i was qurantined once because of misinformations of the App "Sicher Reisen" 

Yeah, i got it. It means where you’ve been in last days, are matter for them. I’m fully vaccined by the way but i think i’m gonna take that quarantine risk. It’s hard to look each countries rules but worth it :)

Thanks for the advice! I’ll do.
