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Complimentary pass for caregiver

  • 4 September 2021
  • 7 replies

Hello. A few weeks ago I made a request for issuing a complimentary pass for a caregiver of a disabled traveller. I still didn’t receive any answer and I am getting quite stressed as we are travelling on wednesday. Does anyone know how/if it’s possible to reach interrail support for urgent issues? 

Hi Minke,


I am sorry about this. Please write me privately the email address from which you contacted customer service, and I will make sure your request is picked up immediately. Thanks for your patience!

Hi, may I ask what the complimentary pass looks like? Is it the exact same one as a regular pass?

@maumau  a Complimentary pass as @Minke  request means just that she as Caregiver get a free pass of the same kind as the disabled travleler bought. (There are some rules like that in Europe if you buy “Standard Tickets” from the Railcompanies

Eurail give currently free passes for Journalist, Travelblogger and Influencer you can apply on their website for such pass.

Another way of a free pass is for Europans the Project DiscoverEU teens in the age of 18-20 can apply for a free Interrailpass to explore Europe (This project is possible by money of the European Union)

thank you very much. I am chronically ill, so I am considering applying for a caregiver pass so I can go on a trip (with the help of someone). I was just wondering if the actual pass looks the same, because I want to avoid possible discussions about my health during the trip

Note that one needs to be resident of EU and have a local kind of ´permit/certificate´-in many countries this is even further divided in several classes of being handicapped, usually only the highest/most severe class is entitled to a free caregiver accompany. These rules are set by the countries and can differ considerably. Without further precise detials it is impossible to tell what  may apply in your situation. Also: do not ask here about all this, only specialists will know all these specific rules! In any case there will be a note that the 2 have always to travel together.

In most EU-countries there are societies/unions for such people who generally know best.

Thank you for your reply. I am aware of those things. The only thing that I am wondering is whether the caregiver pass looks exactly the same as a regular pass. 

@maumau  As there is till yet no Cargiver pass (Iam not aware of it)
i just could it compare with the passes that Child gets when traveling with parents, Discover EU winner or Journalist and blogger and they get the same passe as Normal Customers. They just pay nothing 🙂 You have to write with Eurail Customer Service maybe @Leo can manage the contact
