Is food on (some or all) trains included in the Pass?

  • 16 December 2021
  • 5 replies

I am planning an Interrail trip in 2022.  I will buy a senior Global pass and intend to visit several large cities in Europe.  My question is to help me with my budgetting for the trip.  Please could someone tell me if a first class senior global interrail pass entitles the holder to complimentary food on the trains  and or  eurostar- perhaps on some trains and not on others?  Or how to find this out.  with thanks

5 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Food is sometimes included in 1st class. Where it is included, it is often an international high-speed train. I believe this includes Eurostar.

In night trains, some form of breakfast is often included when you book a sleeper coach. Sometimes also in couchette.

The best is to plan first and then check on which trains food is included.

thank you  - it seems like a super bargain!


Userlevel 7
Badge +15


I had complimentary meals mostly just  in England (East Coast or West Coast Mainline) and few Highspeed services like Eurostar & SJ X2000. 

It depends from Train to train if such service is provided 🙂 But often you can find on Fast trains atleast a Bistro or even a dinning car (but you have to pay then)

Some Carriers even publish the menue of the Dinning Car´s online :)

Sometimes i decide on the dinningcar which train i take 🙂 For example i like the Czech Eurocity dinning cars (not the Railjet or SuperCity). Other good services are the Polish ones operated by “WARS” and the MAV dinning cars 🙂.
Worstcase you can find something to eat at the major Stations :)

Czech Menue (The Happy Hour is when the train is within Czech Republic)

Actual German menue

Polish Dinning Menue

Hungarian Menue on the Eurocity Hamburg - Berlin - Dresden - Prague - Brno - Bratislava - Budapest

Austrian Menue (Swiss Menue)

The dinning cars sometimes have pretty long services for example some Swiss dinning cars come as far as Hamburg in Germany or the Hungarian one from Budapest till Hamburg :)

Means the Country national rail carrier is just the operator of the Dinningcar.

Thankyou. This is very helpful to me.  Even looking at the menus makes me happy!



I faced the same question when planning my trip in 2022 with a senior Global pass. After some research, I found that food on trains is generally not included in the Pass.

However, some high-speed trains or first-class services may offer complimentary meals, but it varies by route and train operator. To find out specific details, I visited the official Eurail website and checked the onboard services section for each train I planned to take.

This helped me budget accordingly and avoid any surprises during my journey. Happy travels!
