No confirmation email, no paper pass

  • 24 June 2022
  • 6 replies

I already contacted customer service ten ore more times!

I bought 5 Global Passes for 712€ on May 11th and have NEITHER received a confirmation Email NOR the passes in paper!! Delivery date was supposed to be the 5th of June!! My husband and me are LEAVING IN ONE WEEK!! On July 1st!! We are TRAVELLING WITH 3 LITTLE BOYS and we made train reservation for 436€!! Not speaking of the numerous accommdation which we booked for over 2000€!! If I dont receive the the confirmation Email or the passes in paper BEFORE JULY 1ST WE CANT TRAVEL!! If this happens I WILL SUE INTERRAIL!!!

6 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +15

@Marion @Felipe.iturrieta 

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Have you hade any emails from Customer Support?


I suggest that you try to log into the request database to see if there is are requests logged for your email address. If there is no request for your email address, you need to enter a new request. If you do that, say that you will be travelling within 2 days.

Use this link to come to the request database.

Click "Sign in" in the upper right corner.


Enter your email address and Click " Get a password".

If the system doesn't recognise your email address, then there is no request registered and you need to go back to the start screen and enter a request.

If you get a password, you can then log in and look at the status of your requests.

I FINALLY GOT AN ANSWER FROM CUSTOMER SERVICE!!! Can you believe it??? Customer service now wants me TO BUY NEW PASSES FOR 1843€!!! We bought our passes in May for 712€!! They would then refund the 712€ and WE WOULD HAVE TO PAY 1122€ MORE!!!


Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Muss nicht schreien-geht sofort nach DB und kauft die dort. Warum Mensche so doof sind zu denken das das anders sein soll? Tja……...

Das typisch DE Vernehmen mit Drohung Schlichtung usw wird dir nix helfen-es ist ja kein DE UNternehmen. Letztendlich wird dann eine Mahnungsbrief verschickt-und dann bleibt alles ganz stille.

IN mai gab es einige Tage eine 50% Nachlass wegen 50 J Feier-es bleibt ganz undeutlich was dan passiert ist-aber das es sehr viele gab die dann vergebens versucht haben am Ende ist schon klar.

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Was there any payment for your first purchase (try)? If so, then that is an indication that a transaction has taken place and you have an argument not to pay extra.

Which exact passes did you (try to) buy in the first place? It seems strange to me that passes would now be more than double the price.

[And please do not shout. Normal text is much more readable.]

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

What information can you see in your Interrail account? Do you have an invoice that says "PAID"?
