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schedule not updated

  • 3 December 2023
  • 1 reply

I have a trip starting in 10 days.  The guide says try to book trips weeks in advance.  My pass activated starting on travel day.  I keep trying to schedule my trains to get my ticket on app and keep getting “Sorry we don’t have train times for these dates yet -...”.  It seems they only have times for about five days out right now (Germany).  Has anyone else navigated this issue and what did you do?  The recommendation and the capability of the app are at odds.  The app is also very buggy (crap) and there does not appear to be good clear consistent guidance and no support.

I don’t mind doing it at at station while traveling but I’m hearting the trains are really full this year and if i dont get a reservation early i may not have a seat.  traveling with 4 people through 3 countries (Germany, Austria and Czech Republic) between Dec 12 and Jan 1 with 4 people.  Have Global ticket 1st class 5 days.

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

For planning and seat booking use the local companies websites,

and their apps.

This website explains how to reserve on these sites.


It sounds like you haven’t updated the eurail app, there is a Europe wide timetable change on 10 December and yours doesn’t have the new schedules loaded, you must update the app manually through the app store every few weeks.


Trains need to be added to the app to travel but it does not book seats, this is best done with the rail companies themselves or when that is not possible through the Eurail reservation website.
