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When I search for a train station in the railplanner app to add a journey to my mobile pass, the search doesn't give me any results of trainstations I could add. I didn't do that at the beginning of my journey. And now I'm stuck and can't add any more journeys.

Has anyone any ideas what I could do?

I also have no results if I choose only one train station that is in the list of already searched stations to show me the connections from there. Please help me out! Thank you so much!


It should now be possible to move the pass to another device yourself:

I now switched my pass to my friend’s Ipad because I needed to use my mobile pass yesterday. But I would really prefer to have it on my own device. Is there a possibility to switch it back, if it works now?

The should be a possibility to switch the pass between devices but I don't know if you can do it more than once. 

You can always ask Customer Support to disconnect your pass from your friend’s Ipad. Use the link below. Write your pass number and that you are currently travelling.


I now switched my pass to my friend’s Ipad because I needed to use my mobile pass yesterday. But I would really prefer to have it on my own device. Is there a possibility to switch it back, if it works now?

They fixed it!!! :)))
There is a new update where they fixed the bugs. THX to the IT-department

Can't you add a manual journey? Start entering your station as XXXX or similar and then a message should appear that your station can't be found and with a link to add a manual journey.


Unfortunately neither adding journeys manually nor selecting stations from the map work for my phone with Android 6.0.1. The Railplanner app doesn't work on my tablet with Android 7.1.1 either.

Can't you add a manual journey? Start entering your station as XXXX or similar and then a message should appear that your station can't be found and with a link to add a manual journey.

@Conbike Nothing… this suck I am stuck at a station waiting for their kindness :(


Not really but they try to fix it. For the moment I have to trust in the kidness of the train staff..

what about you?

I have the same…. did you receive any help?

I have the same issue
newest version of the app (28.1.0) and Android 6.0.1

@Sunwhite444 Are you using an IPhone or Android? If Android, what version?

I tried both several times. It doesn't change anything.

Have you tried restarting your phone or reinstalling the app?

If that doesn’t work, then please contact customer service here:

Check here what information they'd like you to include:

Thank you. It is 28.0.0... I checked if there were any updates...

What version of the app do you have? Check under More (Mehr) and scroll to the bottom. It should be 28.0.0. If not, then update the app.
