Can you travel to and from small places like Saint Jean Pied de Port and Burgos

  • 24 February 2022
  • 2 replies


I would like to go from Amsterdam to Saint Jean Pied de Port in France. 

And back from Burgos in Spain to Amsterdam again.


Are both stops possible, or can you only travel to big cities instead of stopping at smaller places?


Thanks in advance for your reply. 



2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

You can use all trains of all participating operators, with very little exceptions. So yes, you can get to Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port or any other village with a train station.

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Burgos is in fact a real city in ESpana with at least some 120k people.

As rian tells, you can board/alight at any station, be it giant big or tiny small, on all 100+ railcompanies that accept the pass.

NOTE that-we warn for that about daily here, both the TGV in FR and even more ALL longer dist. trains anywhere in ESpana MUST be reserved and this may cost a smaller or higehr supplement to pay. SJPdP is only served by local (they call it TER in FRance) trains without, but to get to/from Burgos will always need this.
