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Charing cross to Interlaken ost - any route advice?

  • 1 August 2022
  • 2 replies

Any advice route from Charing Cross London to Interlaken OST Switzerland on 10/08/2022, we’re 2 females 🙏🏼

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

The advice would be the very same for males or D or Q: go to, specially designed for unexperienced Brits going abroad on that big adventure by train and/or ship.

DO be aware that this is very short notice and that so favoured €* may already be fully booked or be extremely expensive.

Thanks for your message.

Is there any hotel near the PARIS NORD (France) station? Because the train will be arrived at 23:17, but we have to change the train from 

PARIS GARE DE LYON (France) will be departed at 

06:12… is the area safe for females?
