Eastern Europe camping nature

  • 12 May 2022
  • 3 replies

I'll be travelling around eastern-Europe in August. I've seen most of the big cities so I would like to focus on nature and oceanside views this time. Any advice? 

I would love to go camping from time to time. I have a little basic camping experience.

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Ocean there will be very little-or rather none at all. You mean SEAside? (There is no KNokke there either)-the only +_real sea is the East/Baltic Sea on POland/Lithuania etc. Polish railways have in fact even some remaining small branch lines to some seaside places operating only summertime.

Tipically trains-where this forum is about-serve larger towns and may cross here+there some nice tracks with nice views. In East-EUR as a heritage of the golden past of communism fairly often littered with notinuse anymore big factories, concrete monsters for the economy  etc.

Guidebooks were in the past made for your request-just as a very global hint I would say around CZech/SLOVAK!/south side of POland-hilly or mountainous, the Tatra mountains will be best for what you seem to want-and major raillines run on both sides along it and camping has always been quite populair among cash-poor East-Europeans. But depending on how long your tour will be-think again if that will be wrothwhile to schlepp all the things needed to camp with you all the time. In the past many campings also had ready-to-rent small summerhouses, but as I never use them, no idea if this still is the case-or if yes, how you book them. Maybe VTB=vlaamsche ToeristenBond?

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

I'll be travelling around eastern-Europe in August. I've seen most of the big cities so I would like to focus on nature and oceanside views this time. Any advice? 

I would love to go camping from time to time. I have a little basic camping experience.

Could you tell which countries you mean with Eastern Europe? ;-) Then would be easier to give you advice :)

I'll be travelling around eastern-Europe in August. I've seen most of the big cities so I would like to focus on nature and oceanside views this time. Any advice? 

I would love to go camping from time to time. I have a little basic camping experience.

Could you tell which countries you mean with Eastern Europe? ;-) Then would be easier to give you advice :)


I mostly mean Bosnia, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Hungary,… thanks!
