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so as we have planned our tour, we are going to travel also from Lulea to Helsinky. We found a train Lulea → Haparanda and then Tornio Itainen → Helsinki. On a map we can see, that Haparanda station and Tornio Itainen station is about one hour walk? Does anybody performed this trip? Is it easy to cross the border? Or is it even possible? I was looking on different maps and it looks like it is pretty easy (e.g. as crossing the borders from Czechia to Slovakia, you just walk :D). So I am just making sure, that its pretty easy and you just walk and you are in Finland.
Thanks for your help

Yes you can just walk across, there is a footbridge.

There are also buses, via the bus station in Haparanda which is a good walk from the train station. There are also buses to Kemi which has more train services than Tornio.


Bus timetables


Be aware the time difference here, Finland is 1hr ahead.

Thanks a lot

We are aware of time difference, thanks for reminding! We have Global Pass, so we want to travel by train as much as possible and we found good connections 🙂 And one hour walk is really fine, so lets se how everything ends up.

Some busses in this area are part of Interrail/Eurail as rail replacement. 

Since they re-extended the line too Haparanda-ending nearly on the border-and both SE and FI are in Schengen-a thing that seems to baffle the Brits with their insular thinking- there is a combined bus-train station-and a giant IKEA nearby (good for cheap food/drinks if you have to wait).

THIS st in Torne-a is however nothing more as a kind of few wooden steps in the midst of the woods-along a branch of the line going further north. DO also double check that this train runs on the day you want it-it is not daily- Alas- VR in FI advises that passholders do not need te RES-but as all Finns have RES seats it may well mean a continuous move away from that seat-not nice in the middle of the night.

THis from earlier reports about this-no own exper.

Could you please explain how to walk from Haparanda to Tornio bus station? How long does it take? Is it possible to walk with large luggage? My son and I plan to do it in December 2022.

Could you please explain how to walk from Haparanda to Tornio bus station? How long does it take? Is it possible to walk with large luggage? My son and I plan to do it in December 2022.

It’s best to check yourself on Openstreetmap or Google Maps.

Could you please explain how to walk from Haparanda to Tornio bus station? How long does it take? Is it possible to walk with large luggage? My son and I plan to do it in December 2022.


It is really easy. It depends on how are you travelling. We travelled only by train and we didn’t have problem to find anything. If you will give me more informations abput how you will arrive to Haparanda and what is your next destination from Tornio bus station, I will post here detailed map, so you will be sure, you’ll find everything 🙂
