I live in Wales and the first trip on my journey is Scotland, after that im going to europe then returning. I’m confused if Great Britain includes ireland, scotland wales and England- does anyone know if the home country rules apply to all of GB?
The order form has UK as country of residence when buying a global pass:
But whatever it is, GB or UK, Scotland, England and Wales are all included.
The Republic of Ireland is certainly not included. Northern Ireland might be included but IIRC a journey in NI doesn't trigger an inbound/outbound journey in the app… you can test that after activation if you want (be sure to choose a future date, so you can cancel your travel day and the linked inbound/outbound journey if it does trigger one).
You are likely much too young to even know about that: but it is still based on what once used to be state-owned British Rail, before some GB govmt started it to privatise etc. Same-same for all other countries: once they all had simply 1 big state-owned train company (sometimes not even a company as such-a state/ministry institution-just as the mail or the telefones=pre mobile once were).
In Ulster BR never came-it always had its own train running set-up, also for its buses.
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