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Hello, I am a high school student and I won a free trip from 1 to 30 days anywhere in Europe. I wonder if there is a direct route from Zagreb to Malaga or Madrid. if it doesn't exist how it works with the transfer, how often trains run and how with luggage and suitcases?

No international trains to Malaga or Madrid. The only international high speed train to Spain is from Paris or Lyon, but only 2 times a day and they want to much money for the reservation and it is very complicated to book. With transfers on the old slow line, no reservation needed but also longer.

Marseille - Mardrid should be back in service. 

Dober dan.

The luggage is your very own thing to care for, do not take too much.

You must make at least 5 changes and 3 of these trains also require quite high SUpplmets to pay-a lot of kuna. (next yr €).

Countires that are best to use a pass in: very few trains require REServation, ample network with frequent services; Swiss, Austria, Germany, Czech, Nederland, BElgium, UK.

The very worst is ESpana, then come ITaly and FRance=all faraway trains must be REServed=cost extra, some times very hard to do.

No international trains to Malaga or Madrid. The only international high speed train to Spain is from Paris or Lyon, but only 2 times a day and they want to much money for the reservation and it is very complicated to book. With transfers on the old slow line, no reservation needed but also longer.

I suggest you play around with a good planner such as the DB planner.
